

Music and electronics go together in this day and age like Auto-tune and singing, or something like that. Meet Holly Herndon. A young electronica artist getting an advanced degree in the repertoire of machine music. Since the study of music technology is lost on the general audiences and audiences are dumbed down to unoriginal DJ's playing repetitious beats, Holly comes along (Tennessee to Germany to California) to enhance this type of genre where dancing heads can meet digital intellectuals. It's digital sweetness. Check her out below! 00101011 00110001
Ones computer maybe single, dual, or even 8-core. But a 64-core super computer? IBM, Microsoft, or not even the current supercomputer - The OakRidge 'Titan' - are in possession of a supercomputer that is affordable. At only $99 USD, the 'Para||e||a' supercomputer by Adapteva, this device can crunch most anything that uses the C/C++ languages. At 28 nanometers and running on just two watts, it is the future of high-efficiency, low-cost computing. Check out the link for more and a video below on how it can run T.V. programs as well as the web.

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